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Foxes are nocturnal passive mobs that spawn commonly in taiga, giant tree taiga, and snowy taiga biomes A fox can carry a single item in its mouth, but prefers food over other items 1 Spawning 11 Holding items 2 Drops 3 Behavior 31 Attacking 32 Sleeping 33 Screeching 34 Sitting 35 Holding items 36 Villages 37 Breeding 38 Taming (gaining trust) 39 Predators 4 Sounds 5 Data valuesIn Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain, the player can unlock some bonus Mother Base staff, at most four in total (eight when separating them between genders), depending on how they preordered the game Each soldier is based on one of the four major military groups from the games (ie, FOX, FOXHOUND, the Militaires Sans Frontières, and Diamond Dogs)1 The availability of フォックスメタル究極の攻略方法まとめ フォックスメタル究極の攻略適正キャラランキングや、攻略手順です。 隠しステージの出現条件も記載しています。 フォックスメタルを周回攻略する際に、最適パーティの参考にしてください。

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