For example, biome lavazone teleports you to Active Lava Zone / Lava Lakes To open the console on PC and Mac, press the Enter, ~, Ø, or Ö ui tiny basic label to open up the input box, provided you have enabled the console feature The console is disabled by default To enable it press F3Well if you use the entrance after you pass that Big tree with those rays,)i still dont know the name of that biome),you only need the depth module for Cyclops and nithing else,since there is no danger if you plan leaving it on the edge od lava zone,wich i recommendFor Prawn,drill and grapling arm are essential,hull reinforcement is usefull because there is a lot of lava lizards and,you · Subnautica PlaylistsSeason 1 https//wwwyoutubecom/playlist?list=PLjt3V5_Dl8srzrkqPf7Vt8QPsMaB0LuzuSeason 2 https//wwwyoutubecom/playlist?list=PLjt3V

Inactive Lava Zone Subnautica Wiki Fandom